Pilatch Card Games


After the final round of betting, players reveal their hands in a specific order:

  1. The last player to bet or raise reveals first. If she is betting on the UPs, she chooses which cards complete her hand.
  2. Clockwise from her, each player who is betting on the UPs reveals her hand and chooses which cards to use, or folds. If no player is betting on the DOWNs, skip to step 5.
  3. Reveal the face-down cards. If the last player who bet or raised is betting on the DOWNs, she now chooses which cards to use.
  4. Clockwise from her, each player who is betting on the DOWNs reveals her hand and chooses which cards to use, or folds.
  5. Best hand wins, or handle tie breakers.


You have a pair of Queens in your hand, the Queen of Paper, and the Queen of Rock. You are betting on a King-to-Nine straight which you complete with one of your Queens.

When it is your turn to reveal your hand, you must choose which Queen will complete the straight. Which Queen will you use?

Hopefully you answered, "The Queen of Rock." That way, if another player also completes the same straight, but with the only remaining Queen, of Scissors, you win!